Who Will Be Saved During the Tribulation?

Who Will Be Saved During the Tribulation?


Greetings Dr. Frazier,

I have had the privilege of hearing you speak on a couple of occasions now and was rewarded with observing many decisions for Christ after your presentations.  I am seeking help with understanding a specific scripture related to tribulation salvations.   I was in a Bible study with a respected teacher and he said that if a person had had the opportunity to hear the gospel in this period of grace and rejected it that they could not be saved during the tribulation.  He used scripture from 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2 specifically verses 10-12.  Do you see this as an accurate conclusion from this text?  If this is accurate, would this not be another warning to those who are putting off surrendering their lives to Christ?  I appreciate any light that you could shed on this.  From time to time, I find that there are things in scripture that I must get settled and this is one of them.



There is disagreement concerning this issue. The text in 2 Thess 2:11-12 is a little foggy. Here’s what I believe the Word teaches.

  1. Our lives are a vapor, here and then gone. No one knows when they will die. James 4:14
  2. Today is the day of salvation. Do not harden your heart. Hebrews 3:7-11
  3. When God calls you need to answer. There is nothing in scripture that indicates the Spirit draws a person more than once. Maybe He does but no guarantee. John 6:44 ( see Romans 1 -3 where God reveals himself to everyone first through creation, then conscious and finally thru Christ.)

Therefore I agree that when a person hears the gospel and rejects it, at some point the spirit no longer draws. When rapture occurs those who have heard but rejected are left and they will not choose Christ in the tribulation, while those who have never heard respond in great numbers. (Rev 7:9-11)

Hope this helps!

Have a Blessed Day!
Gary Frazier, Ph.D.

Gary Frazier

Gary Frazier is a respected speaker and writer on the subject of Bible prophecy, current events and speaks in approximately 50-75 churches and conferences annually. He is a former pastor and has traveled to Israel more than 150 times since the 70’s.

  • Glenda Miller, Ph.D.
    Posted at 23:49h, 27 October Reply

    I have a question that has concerned me for many years. Most pastors that I know and respect, keep saying there are NO more events that must take place before the Rapture will come and yet 11 Thessalonians 2-3 clearly states “Let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come, except there come the falling away first and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.” We have not yet seen this man of sin, this man of perdition that all assume is the anti-Christ. Please explain your thoughts and theory. Many Thanks

    • Loretta M.
      Posted at 23:12h, 11 August Reply

      August 12, 2019

      Hello Dr.Miller
      I just watched Gary Frazier on TV Lamb & Lion Ministries.
      So here I am at his website curiously looking for answers.
      I love your question and wondered if you’ve heard back from him?

  • Ernest Williams
    Posted at 22:19h, 14 August Reply

    I hear the church will not go through the Great Trib. Yet in Reiv.13:7-8 we read that the anti christ will make war with the saints and overcome them. And v.8 declare all will worship him … whose names are not written in the book of life. If the church is not on earth during the great Trib., who are these saints in Rev.13.

    Ernes Willams. seeking answers.

  • judy parker
    Posted at 19:36h, 17 August Reply

    The saints referred to in Rev. 13 are those who are saved during the Tribulation period.

  • Jan Raesz
    Posted at 11:52h, 19 August Reply

    Yet in the first email, Gary Frazier says anyone who has rejected Christ before the Tribulation will not accept him during those ensuing years. There will be 144,000Jews savied. Surely all Jews have heard of Christ and His message, yet reject Him..

  • Kita Baldwin
    Posted at 20:13h, 20 August Reply

    I would like to see your answer to Glenda Millers question about the son of perdition. I , too, have wondered when and how he will be revealed. Will he be revealed before the church ( the bride of Christ) is removed from earth?

  • Benjamin Luschen
    Posted at 08:35h, 15 September Reply

    During the Tribulation the everlasting gospel is preached (Rev14:6). This is not another gospel. Jesus says in Mat 24:14 this gospel shall be preached to all nations, not only to Israel and than the end shall come. Hebrew 13:20 The everlasting gospel is an everlasting covenant and applies now and in the Tribulation. It is still the dispensation of grace that began with the preaching of the Kingdom (Luke 16:16) and goes till His second coming. Is there a church age in the bible other than the dispensation of grace?

  • dan l glines
    Posted at 18:39h, 19 April Reply

    I believed on Christ when I was 15,then due to my raising and circumstances I keep going headlong into sin.then when I was 16.i realized how wicked I had become but it did,nt seem like God wanted me anymore.i am now 73 and have tried over and over to come back to Christ but I would always throw up my hands and give up on my self.

    • Carol N.
      Posted at 23:15h, 25 July Reply

      You may have given up on yourself but if you are a believer, God has not given up on you. We still sin and mess up but bring it to the Lord in confession. Attend a solid Bible teaching church.. Fellowship with grounded believers. Take one step at a time in obedience to His Word. We dont always “feel” saved or on a spiritual high but God is still there guiding us through Holy Spirit. Read the Word and pray. Listen to hymns or other good worship music. Let go of your own expectations of yourself and of God.. The Bible says his ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts higher than our thoughts. He didnt promise an easy life while we are in this age on the earth, but we stand on His Truth every day and not what we see around us or what we feel. He is coming back and we are seeing the signs! Dont give up!

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