20 Mar A Contrast of Actors and Tolerance
I want to think today about a very sharp contrast between two very well known actors regarding the hot button issue of Tolerance. The First is Actor Alec Baldwin who has once again reminded Americans that only one opinion is allowed to be expressed in our current atmosphere of Tolerance. It appears we have come to the place where only those on the left, politically speaking, are allowed to speak. The very people who continually bemoan Tolerance simply do not permit those of us who are conservatives to the same right of expression they demand for themselves. Today the target is Senator Jim Inhofe (R) Oklahoma because of his position on drilling and the BP mess in the Gulf. Actor Baldwin Twittered the following concerning the Senator: “Oil Whore Jim Inhofe has betrayed every man and woman who lost their livelihood on the Gulf due to BP’s overwhelming negligence…” Baldwin chose to resort to the very tactics which is so often attributed to talk show hosts such as Rush Limbaugh and others who have at times resorted to name calling resulting in apologies being issued shortly thereafter. So, can we expect an apology from actor Baldwin? I hardly think so because it is very clear there are two sets of rules, one for the left and one for the right.
A few days ago actor Kirk Cameron was being interviewed by commentator Piers Morgan on his CNN program concerning his new movie, Monumental. In the course of the interview Morgan asked Cameron his views concerning Marriage and homosexuality. Cameron very graciously expressed his views and supported them with the Word of God. Piers Morgan proceeded to communicate in a civil manner as did Cameron. However it took only seconds for the outlandish attacks to begin simply because Cameron answered a question expressing HIS personal views based on HIS personal convictions. The lefts attacks have been unceasing! Among those to denounce Cameron’s remarks was Herndon Graddick, Senior Director of Programs of the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD). “Cameron is out of step with a growing majority of Americans, particularly people of faith who believe that their gay and lesbian brothers and sisters should be loved and accepted based on their character and not condemned because of their sexual orientation,” Graddick noted in a email statement to The Huffington Post. Out of step with people of faith! Really? I wonder where she is getting her numbers from? Motley Crue star Sixx has waded into the debate, admitting “he’s disgusted by Cameron’s beliefs”. Comedienne Roseanne Barr branded Cameron “an accomplice to murder” for opposing homosexuality. Roseanne stated, “Kirk or kurt or whatever Cameron is an accomplice to murder with his hate speech.” These comments smack of intolerance and free speech. These people somehow feel the rules only apply to them. Where are the calls for Roseanne, Roseanna or whatever to apologize? Where are the demands for Sixx to apologize? When will the President call Kirk Cameron and apologize on behalf of Tolerant Americans? We better not hold our breath waiting for any of the above to take place.
It’s long past time for civilized conservative Americans to step up and exercise our freedoms regarding where and how we spend our money. Let’s simply refuse to watch anything in which Alec Baldwin and his like appears! Let’s stop donating our money to the leftist Hollywood who continues to attack everything we hold dear! Let’s refuse to purchase any music by people who seek to rob us of our Freedom of Speech and the right to express our opinion. I for one refuse to be badgered and bullied into silence. Will you join me?
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