17 Nov A Plan to Secure Americans and America
Here is a plan to protect our nation from consistent threats of terrorism from within and without. This can be done and it will work. However before this or any plan can be successful there must be a willingness to set aside Political Correctness, Tolerance and ones own political future for the greater cause of survival. We are engaged in a war coming to us on our soil. Further we must be willing to put Americans and America first.
- Deploy the U.S. Military stationed in America to our borders, both north and south, and shut down all crossing. No one comes across these borders. Our military is never to be deployed against American citizens but these are not citizens.
- Stop all foreign passports from Muslim countries for a period of 1-2 years or as neccesary for all males under the age of 60 until phase 3 is completed. The only way others get in is after being thoroughly vetted by an American Embassy and this means thorough, i.e. social media, relationships, mosques etc etc. This will take time and they will just have to wait. Security is the number one concern, not their convenience.
- Draft every Homeland Security, FBI, DEA, ATF and IRS agent on the payroll as well as hire private investigative firms to identify and vet every one of the 3-7 million Muslims in America. This means each and every one. Checking their associations, their mosque, their family, their internet searches and address’. Everything! The good people will cooperate because they are afraid of terrorists themselves. The radicalized will not like it but again, who cares. Security is the target!
If anything suspicious is discovered they are deported at once. If they are an American citizen they are arrested at once!
This plan will take time, energy and money. But do we want to protect Americans and stop this threat or just do lip service? How much are American lives worth?
The liberals will say NO! They would rather put an ambulance in the valley instead of a fence on the top of the hill. I would rather be proactive instead of reactive! I vote for the fence. How about you?
JD Straw
Posted at 20:03h, 01 FebruaryAMEN! And amen again Ms Herber!
JD Straw
Posted at 20:04h, 01 FebruarySo true Ms Norris. So true!
JD Straw
Posted at 20:06h, 01 FebruaryThis current government is the most corrupt of any other group of all times, to be in office
JD Straw
Posted at 20:14h, 01 FebruaryThank you, Mr. Frazier, for the wisdom, commonsense, and Godly insight you shared with us…you’re right on target and I totally agree with all you said.
William D Campbell
Posted at 04:40h, 18 AprilGet this message to the Republican nomination for President.