02 Nov Doctor’s Ripping off Insurance Companies and Us!
Sandra made us an appointment at a Dermatologist for today so we could have our annual skin check up. We have been doing this for many years. When the attendant called us into the back she wanted to weigh us and I said, why? I’ve never been weighed before at the skin doctor. I asked why they needed my weight and what that had to do with my skin. Next she wanted to take my blood pressure and again I said no because I’ve never done that either at the skin doctor. Again I asked what that had to do with my skin? The lady said, “I don’t know, I’ve never worked at a place that did that, but that’s the procedure here”. Next, she wanted a list of all medications and vitamins we take. So, I decided we were done and walked out. On the way out I spoke with the Business Manager and he said, “we do this for your safety”. To which I replied, that’s a bunch of bull as I am not in danger unless the Doc is a whacko!
I realize you are probably thinking, wow, you must be a real grouch! I’m not. Here’s the issue. First, the more they do (that is unnecessary), the more they charge my insurance and this makes me angry as our premiums climb. Second, I am not interested in providing information about our lives that is none of their business and not germain to our visit.
Now, here’s the point. When I buy a car, house, boat or shop at Walmart I either see the price or I ask what the price is. On the contrary Americans walk into a Doctor’s office, present our insurance or Medicare card (they will not see you without one) and they charge whatever they want. This is wrong and it is time We the People stop looking at these cards like they are freebies and remind ourselves WE are paying for these abuses.
So, what to do? I first called Blue Cross Blue Shield and told them what happened and that they should not pay if the doctor has the hubris to charge. I then called Medicare and then the Texas Hotline for Insurance Fraud and reported the Doctor. By the way, she is located in Arlington, TX and her name is Dr. Vectoria Serralta. I would suggest you not use her! Let’s stand up and take responsibility!
Just My Thoughts
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