Is Obama The Antichrist?

Is Obama The Antichrist?

Just about every week I am asked the question, do you believe President Obama is the Antichrist? ( I have written a chapter on this in my book, It Could Happen Tomorrow)  (New Leaf Press) . I am always amazed at the first rate energy devoted to such a second rate cause. There are those who spend hour upon hour trying to figure out who this person is going to be. I realize the fascination Hollywood has with this subject but Bible believers should be careful not to waste time trying to figure out something the scripture says we can’t know in this time. Paul makes it perfectly clear that this man of sin cannot be identified nor will he be revealed, until after the Church is taken to heaven  (2 Thessalonians 2:5-8). Therefore, I encourage you to not waste your time trying to guess who this man will be. Oh by the way, the answer to the above question is: If Obama is the Antichrist he does not know it! Does he have some of the characteristics of this man of sin, Yes! However, there have been others who have had them as well which has led to much speculation.That said, here are 10 quick things we know about this person from the Word of God. 1. He will be a man, not a system of government as some believe. Revelation 13: 16-18 2. He will present a program for world peace. Daniel 8:25 3. He will come from the revived form of the ancient Roman Empire which is the European Union although this is not in its final form as of yet. Daniel 9:26 4. He will make a 7 year peace treaty with Israel which allows for the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple. Daniel 9:27 5. He will break this peace covenant after 3 1/2 years. Daniel 9:27 6. He will the occupy the rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem, present himself as God and his false prophet will require everyone on the globe to take a mark of loyalty.  2 Thessalonians 2:4, Revelation 13:16-17 7. He will persecute and order the death of those who become Christ followers in the tribulation time. Daniel 7:25, Revelation 6:9-11, Revelation 13:15 8. He will suffer what appears to be a mortal wound and will seemingly be raised from the dead just as the true Christ. Revelation 13:14, 19:19 9.  He will lead a worldwide military campaign against God only to be defeated. Revelation 16:12-16 10. He will be sent to Hell. Revelation 19:19-20 The Word of God commands us to watch for the coming of Jesus, not be looking for the impostor!

Just my thoughts!

Gary Frazier

Gary Frazier is a respected speaker and writer on the subject of Bible prophecy, current events and speaks in approximately 50-75 churches and conferences annually. He is a former pastor and has traveled to Israel more than 150 times since the 70’s.

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