07 Mar Obama and Sequester
Jay Sekulow of ACLJ writes:
On March 1, President Obama imposed the Sequester, a budget control act that could dramatically impact our military strength. Already, the Army is planning to cut tens of thousands of soldiers.
Yet three days later, on March 4, Secretary of State John Kerry announced $250 million in new taxpayer aid for Egypt’s hostile Muslim Brotherhood government, and our government could give $1.5 billion more.
Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood government has implemented Shariah law, persecutes Christians, breaks its peace treaty with Israel, and obstructs our investigation of the Benghazi terror attacks.
Why are we sequestering our military while giving the Muslim Brotherhood an economic stimulus?
Personally I would add that Secretary of State John Kerry has pledged another 50 million to the Syrians who are warring against Assad. He is a dictator but the fact is they are of the same ilk who now control Egypt and are not our friends. In addition Homeland Security is buying millions of rounds of ammo as well as small tank type vehicles for use against Americans.
I fully understand Obama’s concerns since there are Pro-life, Home Schooling, Evangelical Christ followers who he is clearly fearful of since we tend to be so radical.
When if ever, will America wake up?
Bud Vivian
Posted at 20:32h, 01 MarchGary, please explain again this Wednesday at SBC the calculation of the timeline of the ā7āsā from the beginning until present day. Tks Bud