The Real and Present Islamic Threat. Biblical?

The Real and Present Islamic Threat. Biblical?

Once again the deeply religious president of Iran, a devout follower of the Twelvers Islamic eschatology, has advocated the annihilation of Israel and the Jews. As reported by the Jerusalem Post ( he is once again stating that the world must rid itself of the Jews. In my book entitled, It Could Happen Tomorrow, I expose and explain in detail the belief system that is driving this satanic attempt to rid the world of Jews. Sadly today we see an incredible rise in anti-semitism worldwide including in America. In addition to Ackmadenajad’s statements we add the words of Ali Saeedi, the representative to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, who stated in a sermon Friday, July 20, 2012 in Tehran that, “the Islamic republic must directly confront America so that the necessary environment is created for the reappearance of Mahdi, the Shiite’s 12th oman, who will kill all infidels and raise the flag of Islam in all corners of the world”.

So, here’s the relevant question, does God have anything to say about this? The answer is, absolutely! I urge the reader to examine the writing of the prophet Ezekiel in chapters 38-39 and see just what God says. One final thought. I do believe we are in the last days and the clock is ticking. I want to urge every follower of Christ to live each and every day in light of the soon coming of Christ. We must be engaging this culture daily with the message that Jesus saves. Are you ready and watching?

Just my thoughts.

Gary Frazier

Gary Frazier is a respected speaker and writer on the subject of Bible prophecy, current events and speaks in approximately 50-75 churches and conferences annually. He is a former pastor and has traveled to Israel more than 150 times since the 70’s.

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