Are you serious? Former President Bill Clinton reveals once again the sickening nature of partisan politics. Clinton publicly says the Bush tax cuts should be extended. Why would he say...
Yesterday we paused to remember D-Day, June 6, 1944 when 160,000 brave, freedom loving Allied forces stormed the beaches of Normandy, France putting their lives on the line for our...
In 1983 we began to hear the term, Super Collider. We learned this was a massive particle accelerator that most ended up calling an atom smasher. The system was first...
Almost every day I talk to people about the soon coming of Christ. The vast majority of the time I hear the same responses over and over again. When speaking...
The people of North Carolina, along with those of thirty other states, have spoken with conviction and clarity. By a vote of 2 to 1 they have once again proclaimed...